Episode 1 - Welcome to Movie Deputy

Episode 1 October 21, 2021 00:15:22
Episode 1 - Welcome to Movie Deputy
Movie Deputy
Episode 1 - Welcome to Movie Deputy

Oct 21 2021 | 00:15:22


Show Notes

An introduction to Movie Deputy and information about what the podcast will be about and our rating system. 

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Episode Transcript

Hello and welcome to movie talk with the deputy of moviedeputy.com. I am super excited to be on this new adventure with you and just kind of go over some of the stuff about movies that are currently in the theaters movies that are coming up. Just kind of all for your entertainment and enjoyment. So, uh, one thing, with moviedeputy.com, all of the reviews on there are in 300 words or less with no spoilers ever. I am not going to make that same guarantee here on the podcast, as this is completely unscripted, and it's going to be at times uncensored, I will be announcing that. So, but this is going to be a family friendly thing. For the most part, we will have specific uncensored episodes from time to time, but again, that will be in the description. So not to catch anybody off guard on that this podcast will not be completely spoiler free as the rest of our reviews and everything are. So I just kind of want to give everybody a heads up on that and just kind of, it's going to be a lot of fun. We're going to be discussing the, to quote an old movie. It's going to be the good, the bad and the ugly. And unlike moviedeputy.com, I will be discussing some of the stuff that I intentionally leave out of the reviews. Like what I personally think about movies is going to be included in that. And you're going to get the real talk here of just kind of what all is going on with that. I do welcome questions and commentary and things like that and it's at my discretion of what, if anything, to use. I welcome submissions of any comments or questions on moviedeputy.com's, contact us page, or you can just email us [email protected]. That's M O V I E D E P U T [email protected]. So let's just jump right into it. I do think this is going to be a perfect time to explain our rating system that we have on movie deputy. Our rating system is not your typical rating system. And I think it makes us kind of unique. We do have a 10 star system that we rate the movies on, and there's also an area where on movie deputy, where you can actually vote to rate the movies yourself without signing up for an account or anything. We don't sell your information. We don't do anything. And best of all, there are no popups on moviedeputy.com. I will never have pop-ups on there because I absolutely despise them. And I don't want to do that to other people. So that's one thing. Nice. And then another thing that's important to touch on as well too, besides our rating scale moviedeputy.com, all of our reviews are rated either guilty or innocent. Guilty, typically means movies are safe for 13 and above. And I do have disclaimers in the reviews itself. If there's something that more specifically needs to be addressed on there. And then innocent typically is safe for 12 and below. Again, there are disclaimers if it's meant for like a younger audience, or if maybe it'd be better for like eight and above mind you don't need to follow these, but if parents are looking for something safe for kids, or if you're looking for something a little bit, not so kid not. So kid friendly type thing with a movie, it's just kind of a nice rating to go by now back to our 10 star rating system on movie deputy, you will never find a 10 because in my opinion, there's no such thing as a perfect movie. Just like you'll never find a zero on movie deputy, just because, uh, there's no such thing as a movie it's, it's so bad that, that it would determine it a zero. Now, mind you, we covered the gamut of everything in between on that. But so, uh, like I said, to be a 10 on movie deputy would be a perfect and flawless, which just it's not going to happen, but we do have a nine on movie deputy, and we have over 1700 movies on movie deputy.com. And all of those contain the score. The vast majority also contain the review, but you will occasionally find a note that says our review is coming soon. And as that indicates, our review is coming soon, the score kind of gives you a general idea of what we think of the movie, but stay tuned on those because the rest is definitely coming. But in the meantime, we're going to be discussing these movies on our, on this podcast here. So be sure to subscribe for all the information. There are a lot of other reviews and scores and everything to check out in movie deputy dot com. So if you're a movie lover, like I am be sure to check it out, getting back to our scores a nine pretty much means it's nearly perfect, but it's still not quite there, but it's nearly perfect now where we tend to be a little bit harsh. We've only ever given six nines out of all of the movies that we've reviewed. And so if you're kind of curious on any of the ratings that we have here, check out movie deputy.com and go to the writing center, you can actually sort by rating scale. So you can sort by us particular score, if you're looking for a movie in a particular score range, and that can kind of help narrow that down for you on a number eight and eight is an amazing story. And it's memorable. It's one of those movies that's going to resonate really deeply with you. And it's just gonna kind, kinda just one of those ones that you're going to tell everybody about. It's going to just almost knock your socks off. It's not perfect, but it's got just something to it that you're just like when you walk out, you're just like, wow, not the seven, a seven is still a memorable movie and it's watchable. But part of a seven means that something in the content is there's some content that's going to be questionable for whether it's aimed at the target audience or questionable content for just any audience in general. And that doesn't mean questionable content for everybody. It just means some people might not be comfortable with some of the content that's involved. A six means it's watchable. It's a good story. And it just has some flaws. So six is still usually a really great movie. I mean, it's one that you're still going to get caught up and you're still going to follow it along, but there's going to be just some things that just kinda is, like, okay, maybe this doesn't make a lot of sense or just something where there's some error in it, somewhere that you get caught on or just something that's lacking, but you just can't put your finger on it. Now, a number five on deputy, it's still a watchable. Now, most people think, okay, if it's a five or less it's not, but no, a five is definitely still watchable. It's a decent story, but it means that there are significant flaws, whether that be some error in, I mean, how it's done or just that it has a severely limited audience based on the subject matter, or it could be something on the acting on something along those lines. There's just going to be something in it. That's just, yeah. A five just leaves you wanting more now a four on deputy. You think of a 10 star system that are four would be pretty bad, but no, a four is one of those movies that you're going to be really glad that you've watched it, but it's going to be one of those. Like as soon as you walk out of the theater or the next day back at work, or just talking to your buddy, so they ask you what movie you saw, you're going to sit there and go, uh, what did I see because it's going to be one of those ones that you're glad you watched it once, but you're going to completely forget about it. It's completely watchable, but forgettable. And you'll be glad that you watched it the one time, but I don't know if you'd ever really want to watch it again. And again, that's not going to apply to everybody's perception of the movie, but I mean, it just, I find that this score system resonates with a lot of the audience that I've had on movie deputy now a three or less, this is where we kind of get into eh range of movies. And it, if, if I can't really describe what an eh movie is, it's, it's not meh, but it's more of just eh. And I don't know if that makes any sense, but basically with a three, if you re, if it's a movie that you really want to see, I recommend waiting for it. I'm like DVD blue Ray streaming service, Redbox, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Roku. Hulu, vudu, take your pick. I also want to add in, I'm not sponsored by any of these. I'm just trying to make sure I cover like, as many of the streaming services that I could think of at the moment. It's just kind of an across the board. I mean, but so just one of those ones that if you really want to see it, it probably is worth waiting until it's there for just because, I mean, when you're going to the theaters, I mean the cost of the tickets, the cost of concessions, just kind of, all of that. It adds up really quick. And so some movies that you're just kind of going, okay, why did I spend this much to see it in the theater? And if it's a three or less, it's one of those ones that you probably don't want to spend that kind of money on. Now, if it's a, two the twos and ones, we haven't given too many twos on movie deputy thankfully, but a two is what we would consider painful and confusing. It's one of those movies that like, you're literally just like, what the (bleep) did I just watch? And you're just walking out and you don't really understand where the story was going. And, um, it's one of those movies that would just kind of just leave you, just basically feeling like you wasted your money, you wasted your time. It's like, literally I've said to myself, walking out of some movies that have given it two to is just as like I, there goes two hours of my life. I'm never going to get back so I can imagine other people saying that as well. I've actually had people ever hear me saying that. And they're like, exactly. That's, that's like, I couldn't really think of the words to put it, but that totally wraps it up. And like in a neat little ball, it's like, I just wasted two hours of my life and that's just two hours. I never getting back, but there's even one worse than that to get a one on movie, deputy, it's what we would consider horrible or unwatchable. Again, we don't expect everybody to agree with any of this on our rating system. It's like, we're, we try to be informative to people. I'm hoping that, I mean, part of me hopes that you'll agree with it, but at the same time, I don't expect everybody to, because we're all unique and we all have our different perspectives on the movies. Plus being a movie critic is entirely subjective, but that's kind of the fun of it. A number one is just like one of those, just movies that, I mean, you can't even make it through. It's like where you just want to walk out just because it's so bad, uh, a two maybe you can at least still sit through, even though it's kind of painful and kind of confusing with the one is like, it, it almost takes glue when you get to your chair to get you to sit through it. Not literally, of course, I just want to add in, I've actually never walked out of a movie, even one that I'd given a one to, but I've seen many movies that many people have walked out of and some of them have gotten better scores and some have worse scores, like I said, it's all subjective, but yeah. So it's just kind of a unique rating system that we have. Again, if you're curious about any more details on that, you can find a lot more information on the rating scale and how we do review our movies and kind of this system that we have on movie deputy dot coms about me page, I will be going into a bit more detail with discussing some of the details on some of the latest movies in our next episode, but this is this one is more of a welcome to our podcast and just kind of what you might expect. Can't really go into a whole lot of what you might expect, because I don't really know what we're going to expect. I mean, we're going to talk about movies and we're going to talk about the ones that have come out and the ones that are going to come out and occasionally we're going to have guests and we're going to discuss silly things and funny movie ideas. I've got a couple of guests lined up. They're going to come in and just kind of discuss some fun stuff like that. So I ask that if you are wanting to come along on this journey with us, please like, and subscribe for more. We are going to have a lot of fun content coming your way. We are going to have at minimum, one episode coming live every Tuesday. And we may have some other episodes that are going to be, uh, like I said, of the pre movie post movie, just kind of more informational type stuff. Just trying to help you make an informed decision to the best of your ability, if you like the no nonsense part synopsis, part stuff that talks about the audience or the target audience. Uh, so that's more of the stuff you're going to find that movie, deputy.com. Speaker 1 00:12:24 We are going to touch on some of that stuff here, but like I said, this is not going to be spoiler free now, and we're not going to give the whole movie away, but we're going to be discussing things that it's not going to necessarily be spoiler free for your enjoyment. And I don't want to ruin anything for anybody, but so if you're completely against spoilers, I'm going to try to give warnings before I leak that stuff. But yeah, this is just going to be fun. And I do say that we loosely because movie deputy is my baby. I start, I'm actually the creator of the website. And I'm the one that writes the majority of the reviews, but it's a team and stuff that kind of keeps deputy up and going. And it's been an adventure for the last we started in 2014 and just really looking forward to seeing where this is going to take us and everything, but I'm hoping to really build up an audience. And like I said, I welcome questions, comments, concerns, anything that is submitted on movie deputy.com or directly to our email could possibly be used on air. So just know that that is a disclaimer on that. So that any, anything like that could possibly be used on the show, I will be just trying to be as thorough as possible for you and keep it fun and entertaining. I'm sure part of that, we'll cover the fact that, uh, in real life, I really don't have a filter on deputy. I really try to, but here, uh, you're going to get unfiltered. So that's part of the fun of it too. Is I just, like I said, completely unscripted. I don't know what I'm going to say. I'm just going to have fun with it. And I'm going to try to make sure that you have fun too, and it's just going to be an adventure for me, for you, for, for anyone who is taking your part on this end or on that end, it's going to be clear that I'm not your typical movie critic and that was going to make this fun. I want to find the typical than not typical. I want to find the neurodivergent the, neuro-typical the, the person that isn't so sure where they fit in at all. And all of those in between. I want, I want this to appeal to everybody in some way, shape or form, whether it be with my humor or with my reviews, just something I just, I really want to be different. And maybe deputy's tagline that I interrogate movies for their plot and content. I want that to take on a whole new meaning to people because I really have fun with it. Um, and I'm hoping you do too. I just want this to be fun and informative and just something different than the norm. Like I said, I am not your typical critic and these won't be the typical reviews. And yeah, this is just going to be, we'll just come along and find out I'm going to go ahead and wrap this up for now, but stay tuned for some of the pre movie and post movie discussion. That's going to be in the next couple of episodes. Have a great one.

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