1 Year Anniversary Show - We are back!!!

Episode 5 October 21, 2022 00:15:01
1 Year Anniversary Show - We are back!!!
Movie Deputy
1 Year Anniversary Show - We are back!!!

Oct 21 2022 | 00:15:01


Show Notes

We made it, well technically we made it to the 7-month mark, but we're back and we're here to stay. 


This showcases our absence as well as the changes that are taking place. This is going to be one hell of an adventure and I'm so excited that I get to share it with you. 


Come along, like, and subscribe on whatever platform you listen to us on, hang on, it's gonna be fun. 

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Episode Transcript

Hey everybody, I'm back. It has been five months and 11 days since my last show, and I am just, I'm almost as nervous recording this as what I was during my very first episode. I know that sounds so weird, and I, when I stepped away from movie Deputy, it does temporarily. It's like I never gave up on her. Deputy <laugh>. Deputy was never in even the risk of disappearing, but I had to step aside for a little bit because of some health issues and some other kind of things that were happening and going on. And a lot of you that don't know, I am neuro divergent and I also suffer from what is commonly referred to as invisible illnesses or invisible disabilities. I have a lot of physical limitations and I am recovering from a brain injury that happened. Oh wow, it's been nine years ago. I just was thinking about that <laugh> in all of that. If, if some of those things hadn't happened back then, I don't know if I would've fully jumped into creating movie Deputy. Movie Deputy went live on April 14th, 2014. Now you may wonder why I'm even bringing that up. Well, I think dates like that can be kind of important. And it was one year ago today that we had launched our podcasts. Now I say we in the most en all-encompassing form as I can because I'm the deputy of movie deputy.com. My whole thing early on was to keep my anonymity and I'm still doing that a little bit as I'm ugh, I, I'm actually planning on going live on YouTube tomorrow on the movie Deputy Channel and it'll be the first time you actually get to see the deputy of a movie deputy.com. So if you're not subscribed to our YouTube channel yet, please go ahead and look us up. And it's gonna be interesting like, like I said, back in May, yeah, May 10th was the last time we had an episode. But like I said, back then some big changes were coming. If you've been to the website since then, you've probably noticed that it hasn't been updated since then either, and you're thinking what in the world. It's like, is a deputy even reviewing movies anymore? Yes. Yes I am. I have still been watching a ton of movies and I have so many to catch up on, but our big one year announcement that I'm making today is that we are going to be launching and it's gonna be launching today a movie reviews channel. Now, when Definit went live back in 2014, it went live with only 25 movie reviews. My goal for today is to get five of these done it there. It's gonna be a little bit different because I am going to go ahead and basically read what I wrote for my movie review. And as always, my basic movie reviews have absolutely no spoilers. And I'm gonna mention that on there as well. But you're also gonna get to know exactly what I really thought about the movie. And if you decide to stop listening after I have done the n the No No Frills, just basic movie review, that's perfectly fine. If that's all you want, then that's gonna be easily accessible. And our podcasts are still available on all major podcast channels of Google, Amazon, iTunes, et cetera. And so you'll be able to find these quite easily. And like I said, I'm jumping into a whole new uncharted territory here at, I made the decision earlier in the year that I was gonna stop doing updates on movie deputy.com. Now I'm still gonna have movie deputy.com, but it's going to be more of a gateway to our podcasts where to find our podcasts and just submit more information about that and other changes that are still in the works. I this, ugh, I'm not even gonna make excuses. It has just been crazy since May. Like I said, with the physical stuff and with some just emotional stuff as well. Even tonight getting ready to record this, I'm just sitting here going, Ugh, my anxiety was just trying to get ready to push the record button and talk into this like I do every other time. And I was just freezing up. It was like stage fright, except I'm not in front of anybody doing this. I'm talking into my microphone there. There is so much anxiety and stuff that comes with that, especially when I've been away from it for this long. And I'm not trying to make excuses, I'm not trying to do anything else like that, but I want you to, No, I'm human and as humans, we go through things and they're not always the easiest to go through and they're not always the easiest to deal with, but they make us who we are and that the good, the bad and the ugly is what you get. I always say it's hard enough to be myself. Why would I wanna try to be anybody else? <laugh>, I've had so many of you, all my wonderful listeners reaching out to me and saying, We're still here. We love, it's like, I've had so many, it's like we, we'd listened to this episode over and over and over again. We just love it. But there's one, there's one big thing today and another reason I kind of wanted to make it a big deal, and I don't even know why I didn't even think of it last year when I was launching Movie Deputy, but uh, with or launching the movie Deputy Po the movie Deputy podcast <laugh>. But I launched the movie Deputy podcast on October 21st, 2021 a year ago today. Now why is that a big deal? Well, there is one particular listener out there, we'll understand why it's such a big deal because my absolute best friend in the world, my sister in love, is today is her birthday and I cannot shout it from the rooftops any greater than this is. She's <laugh>, she's been bugging me about my podcast ever since I stopped or took the break. I didn't officially stop. But ever since we took the break and she was just, I miss these, I miss listening to these. I know from her exactly how genuine it was and I'm not saying that anybody else wasn't as genuine, but when you actually get to interact with somebody that knows you both the whole in real life as well as on here, something like that is shared and so heartfelt that I wanted to really make it a point and not just celebrate the one year anniversary of our podcast launch, but I wanna also celebrate her. So I wanna wish you a very happy birthday. You know how much I love you always and forever. <laugh>, yes, I'm a little corny, but like I always say I'm just me. But as for exactly how these reviews are going to come to you, they are helps. If I can talk, like I said, I'm not gonna even bother editing some of this out. This is just, you're getting, you're getting me raw and real, but <laugh>. But with this, it's just each individual movie will have its own podcast. They, I'm just ball parking that they will be anywhere from three to, I'd say at a maximum of seven to 10 minutes long. But I know there'll be at least three minutes because like I said, I want to go into the review at the rating that I gave it, why I gave at that rating. I'm also gonna touch on the whole thing of the guilt or if it's guilty or innocent. Innocent are movies that are safe for ages 12 and Under and Guilty are movies that are recommended for 13 and over. Now I just, I mean I know there's the whole M p AA rating thing, but I have seen movies rated PG that should have easily been rated are just because of the content and vice versa. I have seen our rated movies that I'm like, Okay, one bad word. And it's like this movie is, I mean it's totally vanilla for <laugh>, anything like that. So I created the guilty and innocent system just to be kind of like my own thing, kinda like I created the deputy scoring system. If you wanna know a little bit more about that, you can find it on the about page on movie deputy.com. But it's just, it's a really unique scoring system. You will never, ever find a 10 anywhere on Movie Deputy or here and you'll never find a Zero though. There's movies I kind of wish I could have. There are some movies that are actually rated a one on Movie Deputy and there are six movies that have earned a score of nine. Now what are those movies that you're gonna have to wait and find out? Cuz I'm gonna have a lot of fun when I get around to doing those. I am going to do my absolute best to try to get, I'm just gonna ballpark here, but I'm going to try to do let's say 25 movies a week into the podcast format. That may not seem like a whole lot, but considering how much I'm changing this all up and who knows, I may blow this completely outta the water and who knows, maybe one week I'll have a hundred next week. I mean, who knows? But I'm just gonna kind of play it by ear. And as the reviews turn to podcast form, the review itself will be disappearing for movie.com. I'll still have the link with the poster there, but it'll have links to how to get to the podcasts. Now, one thing that you will notice on movie deputy.com and then if you're also looking at the text portion of these podcasts, as you'll see a large section of just different reference notes that you might not understand what they are and I kind of wanna take a chance, take the mo, take a mo take a moment to explain that to you as well. But that is the notes and stuff that I take during the movie. I take notes on my phone of particular quotes or something that's memorable or if it's a live action movie, uh, the name of a business or something that's named, who knows that maybe it's fic, maybe it's real, I'm not sure. But it's just, it's just kind of the whole information like that. Now, occasionally in those notes, sometimes there are spoilers. So definitely read those with with that in mind because sometimes there will be something in there that maybe you didn't want to divulge. And like I said, I'm not gonna be reading those out loud and everything to you, but they will be available in the the text format of the podcast as well as you'll still be able to find that on movie deputy.com. No, why did I wanna do that? Why did I wanna start taking notes and stuff like that in movies is I'm a movie, I'm a movie nut. I always have been. I always will be. I love movies <laugh> and I would just sit there and I'd remember something from a movie and I could not remember what it was from, but it would be like some really memorable line. And of course one of the first ones that comes to mind and of course it's my all time favorite movie is the whole don't cross the Streams. Now I'm gonna give you just about two seconds if you don't recognize the reference in that movie, a lot of people don't. It's just one of those weird lines, but it's from the original Ghostbusters <laugh> and they're, I have taken that joke in so many different directions. So <laugh>, I'm sure you can just let your imagination go wild and then you kind of see where my brain is at some days at least <laugh>. But that's one of those things that, let's say you remembered the line but you didn't remember the movie. Well, with my, with the idea I had for Movie Deputy is that If you, you looked up that, that particular item, then it would take you to that movie or to the movie review in this case. And just to kinda help you put those pieces back together. Now these notes, I have been contacted by different trivia companies in the last in over the years of having movie Deputy of asking me if they had, would have permission to use my notes in some of their trivia games and things like that. And I can't think of any of the ones by name off the top of my head. It's probably been a year since any of them have reached out to me or, oh wait, it's probably been a year more than that. So it's for maybe two or three. It's been a while, but I am just so excited to get back in the things of doing this and I am just so excited to have been able to celebrate this one year anniversary of Movie Deputies podcast with all of you wonderful, loyal listeners. Like if, like I said, if you're already subscribe or I didn't even say that yet, <laugh>, I am such a dork. But if you haven't yet, please like and subscribe on whatever channel you are listening to. We have our movie Deputy channel, which is a little bit of everything. We have our upcoming movies podcast, which I'm gonna slowly get back into that one and even that one's gonna change up a little bit. And then our movie recaps, I'm still kind of do something on that just to kind of touch on the movies, but those will no longer feel like movie reviews and the way that they're done, the, the reviews and stuff will be separate. The first part of the podcast will be just kind of the generic, no spoilers review. And then I will let my listeners and everything know. But then I will go into a little bit more detail. So you'll, like I said, you'll be able to decide if you wanna stop listening right after I kind of get to that point. Or if you wanna listen and get the full scoop there. Like I said, there's a lot of changes that are happening and there are still more changes to come come along with us on this journey because I can guarantee it's gonna be fun. But like I said, if you haven't already, please like them subscribe, remember to like and subscribe on YouTube because I am going live later today and that is going to be an entire adventure all on its own <laugh>. But I am just so thankful to have you guys come along with me on this journey and I just can't wait to see and experience the future that's to come. It's been one hell of a ride and I, I have so much fun with it And I absolutely Love what I do. They say, do what you love and love what you do and you Never work a day in your life. Sometimes this does feel like work just cuz of all of the technical stuff behind it, but the love of doing the reviews and just really getting into the heart of the movies is just something that's really even Hard to describe. I am just so glad I get to share it with all of you. And like I said, stay along with us on this journey because it's going to be an adventure and Come fall In love with movies the way I have. I will take you on a journey like one you've never experienced before... till later.

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