Gotta Breathe to be ME!

January 13, 2024 00:06:50
Gotta Breathe to be ME!
Movie Deputy
Gotta Breathe to be ME!

Jan 13 2024 | 00:06:50


Show Notes

Being sick is never any fun, being sick as a podcaster makes it even more frustrating. 


Breathing is essential to life, not only as an everyday person but especially as a podcaster. Movie Deputy is my baby and though this has knocked me down in this round, I'm coming back with a vengeance. Though I'm not at 100% yet, I'm trying daily to gain more and more of my voice to be able to bring you what I promise... The latest and greatest... So bear with me as it's a transition... 

Much love to you all

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Hello, everybody, and welcome back. If you are thinking that I have just disappeared since you heard from me last, I can guarantee that that is not the case. You can probably notice I do sound a little bit different, and I will explain that here in just a moment. But if you are brand new to movie deputy, want to introduce myself? Hi, I'm Jen. I'm the deputy of movie deputy podcasts, and I bring to you the latest and greatest reviews on the website that we [email protected]. All of the reviews have always been in 300 words or less. But in my podcast format, I don't focus so much on the length, but I still focus on the content. I interrogate these movies for their plot and their content. I talk about the age appropriateness. I talk about the target audience. And of course, I'm not afraid to call these movies out when they are woke or when they are just something that is not necessarily aimed at what should be the target audience for the show. Now, if that doesn't make a lot of sense, it's kind of hard to describe, but I bring the reviews to you in a way as if I was talking to my best friend, if my best friend was right here in the room with me. And I'm just sitting here trying to explain this. [00:01:33] But I hope that I haven't lost a lot of my listeners with as much as I've been away. Like I said, I do sound more than just a little bit different here. I am actually just coming off the cusp of being extremely ill. For quite some time, I have been going back and forth between severe bronchitis and full on pneumonia. Now, if you are wondering about the dreaded quote unquote c word that everybody just assumes is everything nowadays, I'm actually not going to divulge that part of it. Not because I'm trying to be secretive or not because I'm trying to be sneaky, but I don't want the focus to be that. I have a lot of heart conditions. I also have pretty bad asthma. So fighting these two different things that have stay primarily in the lungs with having one lung that doesn't work fully functionally to begin with, and then having these other issues on top of it with these viruses. And I've been on a couple of different rounds of antivirals and trying my best to stay out of the hospital, which has been the hardest part of all this. Now, you may think, okay, well, why didn't she come back? It's just a podcast. She can record those from anywhere. [00:02:53] And yes, I have the capabilities to record these on my phone, but it also just does not sound the same. If you are not already aware, I don't spend a lot of time overly editing anything that I do with movie deputy because I just put these out there with little to no editing 99.9% of the time. I don't know the exact number, but I used to edit my shows down pretty heavily and the new shows, including this one, are not going to get edited. And unless I accidentally flub and drop an expletive, that would have to be. That would make me label my shows as explicit. That's about all that's going to get edited out because I want my reviews to be for everybody. [00:03:43] And this obviously is not a review, it's a whole. It's a review of me, I should probably say. And I'm going to attempt to try to get at least one of the review done this evening of one of the newer movies that's come out. It's been hard even to focus on movies, even here at home. [00:04:03] If you've ever been really sick, and hopefully, I mean, if you have, it hasn't lasted very long, it's just hard to even try to be yourself. And that's the biggest thing with me, is I'm just me. I don't ever want to try to put on errors of trying to be anybody else or do anything else for anybody but myself. Not like in the self serving type of way, but more so in the way of just where I am just staying true to me. I don't want to be fake. I don't want to put on errors. I don't want to do anything that is disingenuous. And so with that comes a lot of just kind of a little bit of everything. If you caught my last program that was back at the end of October, it was titled I am okay. I'm broken. I'm just me. [00:05:00] It doesn't get much more real than that because it's just emotionally and physically. [00:05:09] I have a lot of disabilities. I also have some health conditions, obviously, and so that does slow me down, but it does not take away from the passion that I have to do. Movie deputy so if you have come along with me this far in this process, I hope you stick around for more. Please go over to our movie deputy reviews channel and check out the latest and greatest of those reviews. I am trying to swear off of reminding you what to do to find and have access to the latest and greatest movie deputy content. [00:05:49] But hopefully, if you are at all tech savvy you'd know what to do. There's a couple of little buttons to press so you always get the latest and greatest and you get notified when all of this information is available but I'm hoping to get back to talking to you more. If you can't tell this is a bit taxing on my voice. I can usually get about three or four good sentences out before I either start coughing or my voice just starts fading and I start speaking. [00:06:20] But I sprayed my throat down and I just took my medication because I want to be able to be back for you guys. And yes, like I said the recovery has just taken me a little bit longer than I was hoping but I will do my best to get back in the swing of things and get back to our daily reviews which trust me I miss as much as you do. But be sure to stick around because I'm not going anywhere. Talk to you soon. Bye.

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